Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Disadvantages of Bell Vue

Belle Vue had a persona of an amazing holiday destination were nothing went wrong and every aspect was perfect, from bright colour posters and advertisement to using models on park rides when conducting photo shoots. The park wanted the public to believe everything was like a dream, but this was far from the truth. The Zoological gardens being the main area of scrutinisation, as the animal well fair was none existent. The park had the view that when an animal died they could just replace them with another. Many of the animals including the elephants were on show in cages so small that they could not turn around in them and had to be backed out of the cages at the end of the day. The animals in the gardens had months if not weeks life expectancy.

In the 1960's the number of people going to Belle Vue was on the decline. The rides found at the fairground were becoming very common and the family were unable to reinvest. The whole atmosphere and entertainment became tired and dull. Blackpool had similar rides and the idea of being at the beach for cheap get aways became more appealing to the public over being in the city center. So Belle Vue started focusing more on sport events such as boxing, wrestling, football and tennis to try and get people coming through the gates instead of traveling to the Blackpool pleasure beach. Eventually in the late 1970's, after being around for about 140/150 years Belle Vue closed. It was so successful and has been compared to Disney Land Paris. The business was also more profitable than the cotton industry. It is a great shame that this amazing and exciting park, for its era, is rarely spoken about in todays history.


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